Customs officers in Hong Kong recently seized 15,000 fake N95 masks and searched them immediately after receiving reports. Officers arrested a woman in her 40s at a makeshift stall.
When N95 masks were in short supply during the pandemic, many unscrupulous people thought they saw a business opportunity. So how do you get a legitimate N95? Go to a large scale pharmacy, brand store or brand authorized dealer is the best choice.
In addition to buying genuine N95 products, we also have to beware of some shops deliberately setting high prices for N95 masks, therefore choose conscientious shop is also a necessary condition.
N95 filter was owned by Instocking LLC which is official distributer of more than 3 brands and signed purchase agreements with more than 10 brands.
Here are three N95 masks in affordable price & excellent quality.
Shining Star SS6001 NIOSH N95 mask.
Benehal MS8225 NIOSH N95 mask.