The Preferred N95 Masks among Dentists.

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Background N95 masks are becoming more and more common among dentists since the outbreak of covid-19. To be honest, it’s hard for everyone to find himself the best and suitable N95 masks. Here are just three reasons why dentists need N95 masks to protect themselves and their patients. We have interview some dentists and they […]

CDC Suggests Wearing N95 Mask or KN95 Mask

Formerly, the CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that non-health care workers reduce the use of higher-quality masks in order to make more high-quality protective masks available to health care workers But as the covid-19 virus continues to escalate and mutate and continues to spread in communities, schools, and crowded areas, the CENTERS for […]

The global situation of COVID-19

With more than 880,000 confirmed cases worldwide, the US Health secretary has tested positive for COVID-19 U.S. Health Secretary Sheila Becerra has tested positive for COVID-19 According to Worldometer real-time statistics, as of 6:30 PM Beijing time on May 20, 2022, there have been 5,252,222,464 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 6,296,530 deaths worldwide. Globally, 883,306 new […]

How can I procure authentic and economical NIOSH N95 mask

Customs officers in Hong Kong recently seized 15,000 fake N95 masks and searched them immediately after receiving reports. Officers arrested a woman in her 40s at a makeshift stall.When N95 masks were in short supply during the pandemic, many unscrupulous people thought they saw a business opportunity. So how do you get a legitimate N95? […]

Can I wear n95 mask with exhalation valves against COVID-19?

There are two concepts involved here? N95 masks without exhalation valvesand N95 mask with exhalation valves. Let take a look at general N95 mask. All N95 mask can filter out at least 95% of tiny (0.3 micron) airborne particles. So wearing N95 mask can effectively help to reduce the risk of infection. N95 mask exhalation […]

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